The LivePrayer Revival

Leading the United States Of America back to Almighty God and His Truth!

Below are tasks for you to do each day. It will not cost you any money and only take approximately 15 minutes. Your faithfulness each day along with the faithfulness of hundreds, thousands, millions of Believers can be the catalyst to seeing a revival in our land! Read and pray over the Daily Scripture. Perform the Daily Task for the Lord. Pray for the issues on the Prayer List. Share the Daily Devotional on your social media and with at least 3 people. Share the LivePrayer TV program on your social media and with at least 3 people. Share the Plan of Salvation with at least one person. Lastly, share this Revival tool on your social media and with at least 3 people you know each day. GOD’S PEOPLE WORKING TOGETHER CAN CAUSE THE SPARK OF HIS HOLY SPIRIT TO BRING LOST SOULS TO JESUS AND SEE THIS NATION TURN BACK TO ALMIGHTY GOD AND HIS TRUTH!

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